August 2018

NewsSMSF Insights

Guard your super

Written by Robin Bowerman, Head of Corporate Affairs at Vanguard/Vice Chair of the SMSF Association Critical challenges for super fund members in the accumulation phase are to keep their savings intact and to keep adding to those savings when possible with voluntary contributions. Australia’s $2.6 trillion-plus super savings can present a powerful temptation to obtain some of…

NewsSMSF Insights

Examining the S in SMSF

Written by Robin Bowerman, Head of Corporate Affairs at Vanguard Australia/Board Director of the SMSF Association First published in Cuffelinks on 26 July 2018. One of the great misnomers in the Australian investment scene is that self-managed super funds are actually self-managed. The simple reality is that there is an entire advice industry built around…