1Contact details2Address & SMSF details Contact detailsName* Mr.Mrs.Dr.Ms. Prefix First Last Company Email* Phone*Password* Enter Password Confirm Password Strength indicator AddressBilling address* Street Address Address Line 2 City Australian Capital TerritoryNew South WalesNorthern TerritoryQueenslandSouth AustraliaTasmaniaVictoriaWestern Australia State Postcode For tailored updates depending on your location please enter your state or postcode.Same as billing address Same as billing address For tailored updates depending on your location please enter your state or postcode.Shipping address* Street Address Address Line 2 City Australian Capital TerritoryNew South WalesNorthern TerritoryQueenslandSouth AustraliaTasmaniaVictoriaWestern Australia State Postcode For tailored updates depending on your location please enter your state or postcode.SMSF detailsSMSF Name (for billing purposes) This will appear on the tax invoice. Please ensure you write the full name(s) of the trustee(s) followed by "ATF " then the Fund Name.Which of the following best matches your current work status?I'm working full timeI'm working part time, transitioning to retirementI'm retiredHow would you best describe yourself in regards to your SMSF?I like my accountant/financial planner to take care of my SMSFI like to be involved in my SMSF but need information and help navigating my way throughI like to do everything myself in regards to my SMSF but need information to validate my decisionsPaymentAfter submitting this form your membership will be added to your shopping basket and you can proceed to payment.DeclarationTerms and conditions* I’ve read and accept the terms & conditions*CAPTCHA Δ Already have an account? Login now