Step through key information in regards to making contributions into your self managed super, and the rules around them.
You’ll also find important information on rolling over superannuation to and from your self managed super fund, in the resources below.
Learning Module

SMSF Contributions
Learn the basics of SMSF contributions

Superannuation Rollover From Your SMSF
Superannuation Rollover From Your SMSF A superannuation rollover is when a member transfers some or all of their existing super between funds. This means a member can transfer superannuation benefits from their SMSF to another complying fund, even though they may not satisfy a ‘condition of release’. To help you navigate this along with super

Rolling over superannuation TO your SMSF
Rolling over superannuation TO your SMSF A member can rollover or transfer their superannuation benefits to another complying fund, even though they may not satisfy a ‘condition of release’. This step-by-step guide will help ensure that a rollover of a member’s entire superannuation balance from an APRA-regulated superannuation fund to an SMSF satisfies the superannuation