Regardless of the size of your superannuation benefits, it is vital that you sort out your estate plans to ensure that you have a well prepared plan so that the right assets go to the right beneficiaries. You need to make sure that you get holistic estate planning advice and have arrangements in place to…
Will my Will or testament deal with my SMSF on my death?
No! Your SMSF is excluded from your will and considered a completely separate part of your estate. The payment of benefits from an SMSF, including benefits paid upon death are contained in the rules of the SMSF trust deed. Where SMSF benefits are paid to the legal personal representative, they then become part of the…
SMSF Estate Planning under the new reforms
From 1 July 2017, the introduction of the transfer balance cap (TBC) impacted the amount of capital that an individual could use to support an income stream in retirement phase. The TBC also applies to death benefit income streams and therefore changes the way we must think about estate planning. With the introduction of the…
Surviving the death of a member
SMSFs provides you with additional control over your estate plans as compared to typical retail, industry and employer funds. This can be achieved in several ways. The common thread to each of the options is that it is the rules of the particular SMSF, set out in clauses of the trust deed and related documents…
Your SMSF health check – What happens when a member dies?
The latest changes to the superannuation system, which took effect on 1 July 2017, and their effects on self managed super funds have been well documented. One area that hasn’t been as well publicised is what happens to your money upon death, with changes to death benefits potentially having the biggest impact of all the…
When life happens
October 2016 Your SMSF may see marriage or marriages, divorce, business success or failure, trustees ageing, death and good fortune or loss. What if your relationship with others in the fund changes? If your SMSF has more than one member, it’s a good idea to have a plan for what will happen if someone becomes ill,…
What issues arise for the other trustees when the death of a fellow member is likely and following death when an executor steps in?
October 2016 SMSF Association Head of Policy Jordan George discusses what issues arise for the other trustees when the death of a fellow member is likely, and following death when an executor steps in.
What are some of the traps in binding death nominations?
July 2016 SMSF Association Head of Policy Jordan George explores some of the traps in binding death nominations.