First published by nabtrade and can be found here. Licensed by Copyright Agency.
Some investors have sold off parts of their portfolio and changed their asset allocation under the assumption that the Opposition’s policy proposals have been implemented. However, this is not the case and frankly, any announcements could take a while to reach implementation.
With ongoing questions received about this topic, Gemma invited Peter Hogan of the SMSF Association onto the show to discuss:
- How franking credits currently work and how they affect share market dynamics
- How policy has changed with different governments
- What the proposed changes by the Opposition are and how they could affect your portfolio, covering the removal of the ability to claim unused credits, pension eligibility and cash rebates
- How long and what it would take for this change to go from proposal to implementation
- Which types of structures and assets could be affected and how you can restructure your portfolio to reduce any potential impact, and
- How you can use this proposal as an opportunity to reconsider your investing decisions.