Written by Fabian Bussoletti, Technical Manager, SMSF Association Following the Government’s release of the 2022-23 Tax Expenditures and Insights Statement, a media release issued by ministers Jim Chalmers and Stephen Jones on Tuesday heralded the pending arrival of the highly anticipated cap on high superannuation balances. While there are only limited details from which we…
The taxing problem of foreign pension transfers (Part 2)
Written by Tracey Scotchbrook, Policy Manager, SMSF Association In my previous article, ‘So you’re thinking about transferring your foreign pension fund to Australia‘, I highlighted some of the important things you need to consider before transferring your foreign pension funds to Australia. In this article I will explore the Australian income tax implications. Where a…
So you’re thinking about transferring your foreign pension fund to Australia (Part 1)
Written by Tracey Scotchbrook, Policy Manager, SMSF Association For people who have previously lived and worked overseas they will likely have a foreign pension fund. It is understandable that there is a desire to consider transferring the proceeds of these pension funds into Australia. The reasons for doing so are varied but are often about…