November 2016
Trustee Obligations Series A regular review of your investment objectives + strategy
November 2016
Can I buy a vintage/veteran/muscle car as an investment in my SMSF?
Vintage/veteran/muscle cars are considered collectibles and personal use assets. It’s important to know that when it comes to your SMSF, collectibles and personal use assets can’t be: leased to, or part of a lease arrangement with, a related party used by a related party stored or displayed in the home of a related party the investment must…
What, put simply, is an LRBA (limited recourse borrowing arrangement) in relation to self-managed super funds?
A limited recourse borrowing arrangement is where a superannuation fund borrows to purchase a single investment (asset), such as a property or a parcel of identical shares. The Superannuation Fund is required to set up a holding trust which will have legal ownership of the asset that is held on trust for the fund. The…
Investments: What can I do with my SMSF?
October 2016 As an SMSF trustee, your investment decisions are under your control. But what can you invest in? Join SMSF Association Peter Hogan in this informative session as he explores questions including: 1. Can I invest money in my own company?2. Can I use a property within my SMSF?3. Can I invest in equipment and…
Is it possible to have a different strategy for each member?
October 2016 SMSF Association Head of Policy Jordan George explores whether it is possible to have a different strategy for each member within an SMSF.
In developing an SMSF investment strategy what processes seem to work best?
October 2016 The below video outlines the key requirements and understandings to be agreed upon by members when developing an SMSF investment strategy.
Being an Investor: The 11 attributes of successful investors
Content provided by Magellan Written by Hamish Douglass, CEO, CIO and Lead Portfolio Manager In December 2009 I wrote that “we are in the business of investment and not speculation”. To be in the business of “investment” is to have a mindset that when purchasing shares on stock markets, you are buying an entitlement to…
Investment Tips for your SMSF
August 2016 You don’t put money into your SMSF for it to sit in cash for 30 years or more. Your intention is to invest for your retirement and to get the best return you can now to ensure you have enough to live comfortably when that time comes. When you are investing your savings…
Investment tips for your SMSF – Part 2
In Part 1 of Investing Tips for your SMSF we looked at the various issues around choosing particular types of investments, how the ATO will assess your retirement purpose in relation to those investment decisions and some basic obligations you have as trustee of your SMSF when it comes to your investment objectives and strategy…